Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chapter: 14 Turkey

      As you have visit my blog you have viewed many of post about Turkey's fashion, rules, the life of females, the good, and the bad, the Armenian Genocide, beautiful sights of Turkey and so fourth. I am an Armenian and doing my blog on  Turkey was very interesting for me. I love the culture and the historically events and that happened. I do believe that by creating this blog I have learned alot about this country. Reguradless of the horriable things that they have done to my race at the end of the day they are humans as well. Many of their regions lands and sea's were the Armenians. By doing this blog I have done research and learned   more about Turkeys neighbors, Seas, fashion, the people and most importantly the culture!!!!!



Website: http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A2KJkIXp7X9RUCEAAKWJzbkF?p=peopleof+turkey&fr=yfp-t-760&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt

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