Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 1: Globalization & Diversity

      The Globalization and Diversity of Turkey is very interesting  Turkey is known to be an Islamic country with many different beliefs that people have.The capital of Turkey is Ankara. When people here the name Turkey they instantly think of the Armenian Genocide. In my blog page i am going to look at Turkey in a different way and provide information  about the country and hopefully you you enjoy it.
     Turkey is a very interesting country the dramatics and the life in turkey is very different from the life we have in the United State. The population of Turkey is 73.6 million people. With the total median age of 28.5 years, the males are 28.1 years and the females are 28.8 years of age. The population growth rate is 1.197%. The major cities in Turkey are  Istanbul with the 10.378 million people, Ankara with 3.846 million people, Izmir with 2.679 million people, and Adana with the total of 1.339 million people. As you continue to read my post on my blog you will see they interesting information that I have provided. Down below i have provided a picture of the streets of Turkey.


Photo from:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc&fp=5fa2c083e9d9c369&biw=1092&bih=533&

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