Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter: 6 Vacationing In Turkey

    Turkey has many beautiful sights to offer to tourist. Turkey is known for its majority of land being on the sea. I have Turkish heritage and also have few television channels. I always see the beautiful sights and land that the country is made of.  When I visit Turkey one day my goal is to go to Istanbul and shop at the outstanding stores and go to the beautiful beaches. One place that i would live to visit is Topkapi Palace. The Topkapi Palace in Turkey was the home of the Ottoman Sultans, about 400 years ago. The Topkapi Palace is now being used as a museum. Here is a photo of the Topkapi Palace.



1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine stayed in Turkey for a full year. She came back to the States with full knowledge of the language and a different outlook on life. One day i hope to visit Turkey and the many beauties it has to offer!
