Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 4: Cultural Coherence

     The Turkish culture of  a huge role in the lives of  the people. Most of the citizens in Turkey have to obey the "tore". The "tore" is described as semi law that most individuals in Anatolia, Turkey follow. For an example if the tore says you have to marry a certain person they the individual has to obey the tore , other wise they will be punished or killed. The reason why I have explained the Tore is because most of the citizens in Turkey have to obey it. The Turkish cultural has it's up's and downs.  I would say most of the population in Turkey are not modern. For example, the headscarf issue. If most girls do not wear their headscarf they will be punished, or they will be called names and the public will think that they are not be loyal to their gods.The beliefs that the Turkish society has is the eye. The eye is known to protect people from the evil thoughts and eye. Most of the people in Turkey have the on their bracelet, or they hang it from their wall. The people believe that the eye can prevent bad things from happening.
     Other than the material that I have spoken of above, the Turkish society also has its goods to offer. One of my favorites are the music. The music in Turkish is just so wonderful to listen to. Their fashion is another. Some parts of Turkey such as Istanbul, are very fashion forward. They wear beautiful clothing and shoes. Another thing that is very outstanding about the Turkish cultural is their food. The food in Turkey is very delicious and tasty. Another thing that the Turkish society has to offer and most of the Middle Eastern benefits off of is the coffee.   I would love to visit Turkey one day and see many of the beautiful sights it has to offer. Down below i have provided some images regarding my information about Turkey.


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